Offshore wind farm will take thousands of acres of rich fishing grounds from our fisherman

The offshore wind farm off Cape Cod will take thousands of acres of rich fishing grounds from our fisherman. Where are our Senators and Congressmen on this important issue?!! We know President Biden, and Governor Baker are in favor, but I have not heard from our local politicians. Our fishermen have enough problems as it is, let alone having more fishing grounds being taken away and reallocated to ocean industrialization. I would like to know if the offshore wind farms will save our homeowners any money on their electric bills, and if so, how much savings will there be if there are any savings at all?!! We the citizens need answers now, and not after they are installed. Thank You, Sam Parisi, Gloucester, Massachusetts. 07:28
Save money on electric bills? Hah! Not going to happen. The wealthy politicians and those who stand to gain in this boondoggle care nothing of the peeons who will shoulder the burden of this idiotic bullshit.
When injustice becomes law…rebellion becomes duty. Face it Sam, your socialist Democratic Party has sold out the nation. Everywhere you look all we see is a total shit show.
It isn’t about the environment, or clean energy. Just like it isn’t about your health.
The Great Awakening. People are realizing, we been lied too about everything. Science, medicine, journalists and politicians are controlled by globalists.
Let Freedom Roll!!