Center for Biological Diversity to sue NMFS to Protect Disappearing Pinto Abalone From Ocean Acidification, Climate Change and Poaching
Sustainable. The tax drain of US taxpayers that pay for NMFS, CBD’s tax except status, and for frivolous lawsuits brought forth by the Bender and Bender of Environmental NGO’s. Apparently these nuts believe that NMFS should be sued over Ocean Acidification, Climate Change and Poaching? Read the press release here 21:42
It’s all about keeping their faces in the public’s eye. They need to justify their status as a 501c3 by providing educational & informational assistance to an unknowing public. How else would the average person learn not only about the poor Pinto Abalone, if not for the altruistic assistance & guidance provided by caring ENGO’s like the CBD? I mean, some of us self serving & greedy fishermen only want to blame poor creatures like those cute cuddly otters.
Please people, maybe if we promise to stop dumping our acidification into the ocean, maybe we can spare the NMFS the ignominy of this law suit. Remember please help out, urine this too, like it or not!
Jim Kendall