New Cod Restrictions Will Not Affect Rhode Island Fishermen
Christopher Brown, president of the Rhode Island Commercial Fishermen’s Association, reassures none of these fishing restrictions will have a direct impact on Rhode Island fishermen. Read the rest here 18:48
While Chris may be right about the new regulations on Gulf of Maine cod not affecting his group of fishermen, I would advise against becoming too complacent. This particular action was directed at the GOM cod, but there is talk about the George’s cod not being in much better shape, if you can believe that?
Much of the discussion at the NEFMC meeting in Newport, RI the past 4 days included disbelief by many GOM fishermen who are catching large amounts of cod with very little effort, over large areas of the Gulf.
When claims of large catches are offered as proof of this biomass, it is disclaimed with statements that reflect that “these are the last vestiges of cod that have aggregated into small remaining groups for protection”. Fishermen claim that they are much more wide spread that the Service believes, & seem to be just moving to adapt to local conditions.
It now remains for the industry to some how prove this to the NMFS & Science Center so that future assessments can work with what many fishermen feel is a much larger biomass of cod. Can you say cooperative surveys?
Jim Kendall NBSC
All NMFS & NOAA have is junk science and bogus computer models to support their efforts to destroy the fishing communities.