More than 400 call for new rules on fish farming in Nova Scotia
More than 400 people from community organizations across Nova Scotia turned out for a rally in Halifax on Thursday to issue a joint call for aquaculture reform. The head table at a news conference organized by the Nova Scotia chapter of the Atlantic Coalition for Aquaculture Reform included dozens of representatives of conservation groups, commercial fisheries organizations and even tourism operators. Read the rest here 09:47
The DAMAGE out weighs the BENEFITS. It’s Flu Seasons look how easily that becomes a PANDEMIC. When things go wrong in a fixed area PROBLEMS increase exponentially. Uneaten FOOD and FECAL MATTER all collecting beneath the PENS create a STAGNANT TOXIC MESS. It’s DEAD BOTTOM, LETHAL to the surroundings and the PEN DWELLERS. ANTIBIOTICS are not a natural part of a CREATURES DIET. Escapement worsen the situation, Antibiotics and Toxic surroundings do not make for GREAT TABLE FARE.