Alaska groups seek cut in salmon bycatch caught by pollock industry
Tribal organizations and fishing groups in Alaska are urging federal fishery managers to drastically reduce the number of king salmon allowed to be inadvertently caught by commercial pollock trawlers each year. Industry representatives, however, say the harvest of king salmon bycatch has never come close to reaching those limits. They also say some of the salmon caught is frozen and distributed through food banks. “The pollock fishery and the boat owners and the captains are all very, very well aware of the crisis that is occurring in these communities,, Read the rest here 11:18
So what is your solution ? You have the largest fish biomass in the NW Pacific that no doubt has a by catch problem…. but do you suggest that a fishery of vast economic value be penalized to support another valuable fishery. Do you have any valid input or this just another “bitchfest” comment, get a grip on reality. You obviously aren’t trying to make a living up there.
Nice to see someone respond. I’m am by no means a bitch. The issue is not just there either. Feedback is good thank you for that.