Louisiana shrimpers encouraged to provide input regarding potential shrimp fishery regulation changes

20170941-mmmainLouisiana commercial shrimpers are encouraged to provide their input regarding potential changes to existing shrimp fishery regulations. NOAA NMFS is considering new regulations citing new information that sea turtles are vulnerable to capture by skimmer trawls and that tow times may not be as effective in reducing bycatch-related mortality as turtle excluder devices. NOAA is currently receiving input from fishermen and other constituents on this issue. Comments can be sent electronically via email to Michael.Barnette@noaa.gov, or physically via U.S. mail to Michael Barnette, Southeast Regional Office, Protected Resources Division, 263 13th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701-5505 until April 29, 2016. The NOAA Scoping Document can be found here. Scoping document, click here  14:24

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