Fishermen shot down in fishing monitor dispute.

A federal appeals court has found in favor of the U.S. government in a challenge brought by a New England fishermen’s group over the cost of at-sea monitoring. The monitors are workers who collect data that help the government craft fishing regulations. The government shifted the cost of paying for monitors to fishermen last year. A group led by New Hampshire fisherman David Goethel sued the government over the rule change. Read the rest here 20:47
I hope the irony of the two back to back pictures of David Goethel and John Bullard are not lost on people. It clearly illustrates the toll that has been put upon someone who actually produces something and the look one has after years of sucking on the government teat. Absolutely sickening. How do these buerocrats sleep at night?
I had choices with the imagery, and chose them purposely. I’m grateful that you recognize the meaning. Thank you Joel, and My Greek Guy comes thru for us again. The comments are now showing again!