Tragedy at sea spurs a father to act – John Gurney implores fishermen to prepare for the worst.
It’s said the most unspeakable grief is that of a parent losing a child. John Gurney has been dealing with that grief since last June, when his son Luke, a well-liked Island conch fisherman with a wife and two young sons, drowned in a tragic accident when he was ensnared by a trawl line and swept overboard. Last week, Mr. Gurney spoke to The Times about the 11 months that have passed since that horrible day. In a conversation punctuated with an occasional laugh and silences of abject sorrow, Mr. Gurney, a gregarious man who looks younger than his 73 years, talked about his love for his son, who was also his business partner and one of his closest friends. He talked about Luke’s love for his work, for his family and his friends. He reminisced about the hundreds of people who spoke to him at Luke’s celebration of life at the Portuguese-American Club, where he heard about the many good deeds his son had quietly done over the years, expecting nothing in return. Click here to read the story 18:42
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Where are you from? Where are you trying to go to work? I don’t know if I can help.
Borehhead mi frrom marocoo Hi.
I am interested to work with you. I have experience of many years of work in great fishing …. I hope k respond and let me know what is the requirements of working with you …. thank you very much