South Shore lobstermen donated their boats to Harvey’s Salt Water Fishing Club’s 61st Annual Disabled Vet’s Day Fishing Outing

It’s the heart of the catching season and local lobstermen use everyday to the fullest – pulling in traps and spending days on the water to provide for families waiting at home. On Wednesday, however, they took a day off and donated their time and boats to local disabled veterans. “The vets deserve some kind of recognition,” said Bill Doherty, a lobsterman from Weymouth. “It’s nice to get them out and they’re always appreciative. A bunch of people come together to make this happen.” Doherty was one of about 15 who donated their lobster or fishing boats to Harvey’s Salt Water Fishing Club’s Annual Disabled Vet’s Day Fishing Outing – where volunteers taking roughly 150 local vets out on the water for the day. No matter their disabilities, volunteers help the veterans spend an afternoon fishing, boating and relaxing with each other. click here to read the story 19:22
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