Friends of Adam Purington say he was polite, hard working

Friends of Adam Purington describe him as polite, quiet and hard-working, a veteran who was a respectful guest at Thanksgiving dinner. But he died alone, in a storage container at the Rockland Fish Pier, with six uncashed paychecks on him when he died. His death, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning, has shaken those who knew the 37-year-old Purington. His boss of the last two years, Frank Thompson, of Vinalhaven, said Purington was incredibly nice and one of the hardest workers he has had. “He would always meet with you a handshake,” Thompson said. Other crew members who worked with Purington were too upset to talk Tuesday, Thompson said, as they unloaded lobsters from his lobster smack at the fish pier. click here to read the story 20:37
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