Ecologist disputes Donkin Mine ocean test fears

The longer Kameron Coal gives in to public pressure and delays its controversial plan to conduct sub-ocean floor surveying near the Donkin Mine, the longer Cape Bretoners will have to wait to find work there, says a Nova Scotia marine ecologist. “The reason they laid off 49 people this month is that they’re not going to be mining any more coal until they sort this out,” said Bruce Hatcher, chairman of Marine Ecosystem Research at Cape Breton University.,, Hatcher claims both Fisheries and Oceans and the company have been misleading fishermen into believing the proposed two-week project will include conventional seismic testing, which comparatively poses much more of a threat to ocean ecosystems. click here to read the story 09:20
The Fishermen had nothing to do with the lay offs. Thats just a blame tactic used by people to distract others from the truth. Its all part of the original plan by xstrada What part of automated system dont they get ?
We the fishermen agreed to support the mine from the beginning as long as it did not effect the fisheries.The problem is not only the 2 D seismic taking place near a protected site that has been proven to cause negative effects on everything from zooplankton to fish, lobster crab and whales.
its also the barge system. Mira and Morein bays and surrounding areas are well know spawning grounds for many species of fish.
This barge system is not a new concept its been done all over the world and in every case has cause major damage to fisheries and the environment.
The jobs at risks might start with fishers but will also effect many different jobs from dock workers ,truck drivers, plant workers ect…the( PAH) alone should be reason enough to stop the insanity… this was all proven in DFO s own impact statement along with the environmental EI and the Donkin coal EI…. by the way any fifth grader could of ripped apart all the EI;statements for this project. Im very disappointed in hatchers statement never thought you of all people would resort to misleading the public on a subject you know all to well .