Iceland company to resume commercial hunting of fin whales

A whaling company in Iceland said Tuesday it is preparing its fleet to bring commercial hunting of fin whales back to the Nordic island nation after a two-year freeze. Whaling company Hvalur hf (Whale Inc.) said it is readying two vessels for the 100-day summer whaling season. Fin whale hunting stopped in Iceland after the 2015 hunt, when Japanese authorities refused to import Iceland’s catch because of unmet health code requirements. Fin whales are the world’s second-largest whales after blue whales, and Iceland is the only country where the marine mammals can be hunted commercially. >click to read<15:24
please protect whales…these beautiful creatures will go extinct do not put a stop to commercial whaling.
You will be keeping nature-lovers like me away from your country as long as you kill whales.
NO!!!!! Save the whales. #cetaceanlivesmatter