Mike Hicks: Fishery closure would be devastating

In an attempt to stabilize the populations of the southern and northern killer whales, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans is requesting feedback on its draft proposal to permanently close the Swiftsure and Laparuse banks for recreational and commercial fishing. This closure would devastate the coastal communities of Port Renfrew, Bamfield, Port Alberni, Ucluelet and Tofino and every recreational and commercial fisherman who earns their livelihood or enjoys their recreational pastime in what is considered one of the greatest accessible salmon and halibut fishing grounds in North America. >click to read<09:42
DFO has a mandate dating back to the middle 1700’s ,make sure theres lots of fish in the ocean all the time ” they have had their chance ,they blew it , time to fire them and take it over !!