New England: Centuries-old cod fishery had worst year in history in 2017

One of the most historic fisheries in the country hit an all-time low last year as cod fishermen continued to struggle with choking quotas and low abundance of the fish. Maine’s cod fishery has existed since at least the early 17th century, and it was once one of the strongest in the country. The fishery peaked at more than 21 million pounds of cod, a fish often used with the fish and chips dish, in 1991.,,, One reason for the collapse is that federal quotas for cod are so low many fishermen are just avoiding them altogether, said Terry Alexander, a veteran fisherman out of Portland and Boston. Cod fishermen typically also seek other species, such as haddock and flounder, and they must stop fishing altogether once they reach quota for cod, per the rules. >click to read<11:15
“…with choking quotas and low abundance of the fish.”
Choking quotas”, yes…but, low abundance of fish happens to be due to the choking quotas!
Oh yes, and also due to the Gulf of Maine govt. stock assessment surveys “Looking for love [Cod] in all the wrong places”. In all the wrong places, with all the wrong gear, being towed at all the wrong speeds for all the wrong duration, a few times a year and covering a mere 0.001% of the area fished!
The greatest stupidity of all is judging the health of a stock by comparing landings data year to year. With all the factors working on amount of fish landed, it is clear that using landings data, in this way, is a tool to prove whatever is convenient without taking into account the complexities of ocean life and the fishing business.
This kind of silly slapstick research can render equally silly theories: from Daniel Pauly’s “Fishing down the food chain” and his most recent, “50% of the fish landed [worldwide I guess] go unreported”, to Boris Worm’s now thoroughly encamped “Only Jellyfish left by 2048”!
DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE NO CODFISH in the Gulf of Maine or on Georges’ Bank!!!
N.O.A.A.’S fish science is 5 years behind present times , on the true picture of New England’s fish stocks . HOPING, this will change in the future ???