Newfoundland word of the day: Linkum (and where it comes from)

Here is what the Dictionary of Newfoundland English says about the word: lincoln n also linkum. A fisherman’s oilskin hat with elongated flap at the back; CAPE ANN, SOU’WESTER.,, Waterproofed cloth garments were used in the North Atlantic from the late 1700s, and what we think of today as the oilskins worn by sailors and fishermen were originally made from sailcloth coated with tar. Traditional black or “tarred” Sou’Wester hats were developed in the 1800s, but replaced the tar with linseed oil and lampblack. Scottish chemist Charles Macintosh patented a method in 1823 for binding two pieces of material together with rubber dissolved in naphtha,,, >click to read<10:24
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