Facing the Wind – A fisherman’s take on offshore wind

October 18, 2018
Local fishermen are on the verge of forever losing local fishing grounds to wind power as California trades one renewable resource (seafood) for another (electricity). The state of California and its citizens are on the front line of the efforts to convert our energy use from the burning of fossil fuels (oil and gas) to renewable sources of power — solar and wind. The latest move toward this conversion is for the sale of offshore ocean leases to wind power companies for the development of “at sea” wind farms with the ocean area off of Eureka and Trinidad as the prime first sites. >click to read<08:55
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A fisherman's take, bureau-of-ocean-energy-management, cable lane, California, depth, fishing closure, gear, Harrison Ibach, Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association, Ken Bates, Linda Hildebrand, Marine Protected Area, national park, national sanctuary, Noah Oppenheim, offshore ocean leases, offshore wind, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, Redwood Coast Energy Authority, traffic separation scheme
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