NOAA Fisheries Approves Changes to Longfin Squid Permits and Possession Limits

NOAA Fisheries has approved Amendment 20 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan. The measures become effective on March 1, 2019. Specifically, the final rule:
Separates the current longfin/butterfish moratorium permit to create a new butterfish moratorium permit and a separate longfin squid moratorium permit; Creates a “Tier 1” longfin squid moratorium permit for vessels that landed at least 10,000 lb of longfin squid in any year from 1997-2013; Creates a “Tier 2” longfin squid moratorium permit with a 5,000 lb possession limit fo,,, New longfin squid and butterfish permits will become effective on March 1, 2019 and will be issued by the Regional Administrator as follows:>click to read<13:36
N.O.A.A.’S FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLAN, as usual lacks fore-sight for the future , in managing our oceans migrating stocks that are continually moving to north-east ? Stock possessions should be monitored yearly , because our changing oceans which is changing our ocean stocks habits ! HOPING , N.O.A.A. FISHERIES STARTS THINKING ABOUT FUTURE !!!!