R.I. fishermen, Vineyard Wind reach deal on compensation

A Rhode Island fishing board on Saturday voted in favor of a revised compensation offer from offshore wind developer Vineyard Wind in a decision that boosts the New Bedford company’s chances of securing a key approval from state coastal regulators later this week. In a unanimous vote at the special meeting, the Fishermen’s Advisory Board accepted the new offer that includes $4.2 million in payments over 30 years for direct impacts to commercial fishermen from Vineyard Wind’s 84-turbine wind farm proposed in Rhode Island Sound, as well as the creation of a $12.5-million trust set up over five years that could be used to cover additional costs to fishermen resulting from the project The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council is now set to vote Tuesday night on whether it believes the $2-billion project is consistent with state coastal activities, including fishing. >click to read<19:25
After letting Fred Mattera give glowing praise to the Fishery Advisory Board for 3 minutes. Lanny shutout industry from commenting even though the audience was asking to be heard and had been told two days before that they would be allowed to speak at this public meeting. The meeting two days earlier had the media and state representatives kicked out. Also the attorney never disclosed that she was attorney for two of the FAB members and Fred Mattera group who will ultimately control the funds. Mark Phillips
Fred Matter a is nothing more than a sell out to the fishermen of Point Judith.He should be ashamed of hmself.I would also like to say that he sold his boat long ago and should not in any way be compensated as a fishermen.