“Wolverine” – Initial assessment did not reveal evidence of vessel strikes or fishing gear entanglement

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans says the death of a North Atlantic right whale in the Gulf of St. Lawrence does not appear to be the result of a recent vessel strike or entanglement in fishing gear. A necropsy was conducted Friday on the shores of Miscou Island in New Brunswick, and the government said the initial assessment was inconclusive. The nine-year-old male known as “Wolverine” was towed there after his carcass was discovered in the Gulf on Tuesday. >click to read<10:16
Any “harmless” seismic blasting in the area?
See Netflix’s “Chasing Coral” Oceans are warming, drastically. It’s like the old slowly boiling a frog to death. The divers/Doc. filmmakers even felt it, while making this stunning Doc. Between this, and another Doc.: “Plastic Ocean” (Must see, too!), it’s hard to argue with what’s “happening”. Listen, alo, to yesterday’s (6/09/19) NPR Ted Talks Radio show. Why isn’t the Fossil Fuel Industry held accountable for our, and our Eco Systems’ “slow death”. Why is there such vehement DENIAL?