This is the ninty second year of St. Peter Fiesta in Gloucester, Massachusetts! June 25-30, 2019

Back in 1927, Captain Salvatore Favazza had a life size statue of Saint Peter, and located the statue in the Italian District. Soon after, the women would say prayers there, as they stood by the statue. In 1931 they started the Saint Peters Fiesta. I can recall in 1952 ,I was ten years old and lived in the heart of were the fest was held. Back then there were no rides or games. But they did have a donkey ride and they had seine boat races and the Greasy pole contest .The fisherman would take the four days off and participate in the events. On Friday they had a block dance. On Saturday and Sunday they had the seine boat races and the Greasy pole. On Sunday the would have a mass and the bishop would preside ,and than the parade!!! It is a great time of the year to visit Gloucester! So,,,, if you’re in the area come and see for your self how welcomed you’ll become! Thanks, and hope to see you there! Sam Parisi, Gloucester, Mass. 08:32
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