The President has seen the sticker, signed it, and heard your concerns, thanks to Rob Simmons!

First Selectman Rob Simmons, who was in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday for the Northeast State Leadership Day, said he had an opportunity to speak directly with President Donald Trump about local issues and concerns. He also talked about the troubles Stonington’s fishing fleet has had with over-regulation.,,, Simmons said he also told the president that when he came to the Coast Guard Academy two years ago speak at graduation, local fishermen had 15 boats in the Thames River with flags, banners and other symbols of support in the hope that he would help them out. Simmons then showed Trump a bumper sticker he had made up during that time that said, “President Trump, make commercial fishing great again.” >click to read<07:55 Here is a collection of photos from Flotilla 2017 >click here<
On this page find the stories from beginning to end of the flotilla, and a very nice note from A nice note to the Fishermen of Flotilla 2017 from Sargeant Steven Stanko, >click to read<
This is not jus about the fisherman of Arlington this should be about all commercial fishing I’m a pelagic longline the most regulated fishery there is we need assistance as bad as anyone thers only 72 active boats left so please keep us in the loop I gave away 100 of these stickers in the south and NOAA needs a full investigation they are literally starving the fleet God bless everyone
Trump not any other politician could care less about the plight of the American Fishermen!They are too preoccupied with selling the Oceans to highest bidder.