UPDATED: Body Recovered, Maine Marine Patrol/Maine State Police Dive Team Searching for Bremen Man

The Maine Marine Patrol/Maine State Police Dive Team is searching the waters of Round Pond Harbor for 63 year old Glenn Murdoch of Bremen. Marine Patrol was notified that Mr. Murdoch was missing last night at approximately 9:30 pm and began searching the waters and shoreline of Round Pond Harbor with members of the US Coast Guard and the Bristol Fire Department. The search was suspended last night at 1:00 am and resumed by the dive team this morning at 6:00 am. >click to read< 10:20
8/19/2019 Body of man recovered from cove near Bremen – The Marine Patrol had been searching Round Pond Harbor, nearly 2 nautical miles south of the location of the body, since Aug. 12 for 63-year-old Glenn Murdoch of Bremen. <click to read<
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