First Nations seal hunters meet with Chinese officials to establish fur market

Tom Sewid of the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation and Haida hereditary Chief Roy Jones Jr. were brought in by their business partner, Calvin Kania of Fur Canada, for “bilateral trade discussions” with Tong and Chinese trade commissioner Shanjun Yu late last month, according to Kania. Sewid and Jones’s new firm, Pacific Balance Marine Management Corp., is applying to Fisheries and Oceans Canada to set up a commercial seal hunt in B.C. as a way to reduce the impact of marine mammals on troubled salmon runs. >click to read<  20:09

One Response to First Nations seal hunters meet with Chinese officials to establish fur market

  1. Thomas Sewid says:

    You want your Tribe/Band to get your harvest for seal and sea lion going or you as a Band member want to help out getting your First Nations meat and blubber for toxicity testing?

    I have a letter for all First Nations Chiefs/Councils/Fisheries/Ec-Dev Officers, etc. about getting seal and sea lion harvest going in your territories. Get your Band people that this is relevant to their position to contact me a.s.a.p. I am President of Pacific Balance Marine Management Inc. which is a First Nations group pushing helping get license to sell pinnipeds (seals and sea lions).

    Tom Sewid and they have to forward me by email contact numbers and who to call. I am presently on U.S. cell for those that want to call. Cell 206-604-3303
    Don’t forget to share this and also to post about your people to join our group on Facebook to stay in the know to what’s taking place concerning harvest/cull etc.

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