Opinion: The high price of our food

The deaths of three fishermen in the sinking of the scalloper F/V Leonardo out of New Bedford this week reminds us that not all fish come from “farms” in an industry where injury and deaths are no strangers.,, Take a walk past the Gloucester Fisherman’s Memorial and read tablets listing thousands of names In New Bedford, the names of Mark Cormier Jr., 35, Jerry Bretal, 51, and his stepson Xavier Vega, 29, have been added to the grim roll in a city that has mourned often over the last three centuries. >click to read< 18:44
Damn….That was 10 days ago….wow!!!! Pain!!! Greg….Nikki…you all be safe…n to the fishing FAMILY….Safe journey to n from n near n far….may the fellaa rest peacefully!!!!!