Tom Sewid has applied for a commercial licence to hunt seals and sea lions!

While there is money to be made from selling seal meat and fur, Tom Sewid, a director for Pacific Balance Marine Management (PBMM), said the main reason for resurrecting the hunt in B.C. is to protect salmon stocks. “We’ve all identified that we’re losing our salmon due to overfishing, urban sprawl and many other compounding factors, but the biggest one being the overpopulation of seals and sea lions,”. For years, commercial fishermen have pointed to harbour seals as one of the culprits in declining salmon stocks in the Strait of Georgia and sea lions for declines in herring. A recent scientific study appears to back them up. >click to read< 10:28
The first step in saving salmon is to STOP all fishing. A restaurant should not be serving salmon on their menu to humans when the Southern Resident Killer Whales are starving. Second, the four Lower Snake River Dams must be breached. Third, killing one species to attempt to save another is not the answer. There are animals in most states that are slaughtered under the guise of “hunting contests.” Issuing a license to slaughter sea lions will never be the right thing to do for any species of wildlife.