SE Alaska Chinook controversy attracts more user groups

A controversy over whether NOAA Fisheries is properly managing Chinook salmon stocks in Southeast Alaska, with consideration for a hungry whale population in decline, has been joined by sport and charter fishermen who say Alaska is not the problem. The environmental organization SalmonState, along with the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association and Alaska Trollers Association said on Monday, April 27, that sport and charter harvesters have joined them in support of NOAA Fisheries in a lawsuit brought by Wild Fish Conservancy, of Duvall, Washington. The group characterizes as misguided the decision of WFC to sue NOAA Fisheries in federal court to halt Chinook salmon trolling in Southeast Alaska effective July 1. >click to read< 16:15
The problems the southern kill whale populations are having has very little to do with chinook populations.
The 60s whale scoop and pollution are the driving
Forces. one third of the population was captured and sold and never eat a chinook the rest of there lives. When D.F.O was investigating cause ,sea world offered blood samples to show what the blood in a healthy killer whale looked like. Although they may prefer chinook it’s not necessary. These mammals are very adaptable. I live on the water spent 50 years on the water and have observed these whales feeding 100s of times.They are extremely intelligent and will take every opportunity to feed, including herring pink salmon etc.