Coast Guard medevacs Fisherman from vessel 322 miles northwest of St. Paul Island

Coast Guard aircrews medevaced a man from a fishing vessel 322 nautical miles northwest of St. Paul Island, Alaska, Wednesday. The 45-year-old man was safely hoisted at 12:12 p.m. and taken to St. Paul for a wing-to-wing transfer with a commercial medevac company for further transport to Anchorage. At 11:48 p.m., Tuesday, District 17 Command Center watchstanders received a medevac request for a fisherman reportedly experiencing gastrointestinal bleeding aboard the 170-foot fishing vessel Baranof. Watchstanders conferred with a duty flight surgeon and launched three Kodiak-based aircrews to respond. >click to read< The image is of the medevac of an injured 31-year-old fisherman aboard the fishing vessel Baranof, June 3, 2020 >Video, click to read< 18:15
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