Southeast Alaska pink salmon catch could be lowest in 44 years

Two years ago the commercial catch of pink salmon in Southeast Alaska hit its lowest level in more than four decades. This year’s catch will be even lower. Andy Piston is the department’s pink and chum salmon project leader for Southeast. He said the catch by late August had topped six million fish and is expected to finish around seven million pinks by the end of the season. “It looks like it’s going to come in a little below the 2018 parent year harvest which was about 8.1 million and that’ll be, it’ll be one of the lowest harvests since the mid-1970s. >click to read< 09:36
This is a fact of g m o farm raised from a plastic tub . Dont eat man made fish. Now just think after 100 years of farm raised salmon at what point do the fish think plastic is natural & how much micro plastic do they abzorb or the chemical imprent of estergon? I do not think that salmon is healthy for humans to eat anymore. It is a multy million business though & who cares if there is a profit to be made. So go & eat my share or ask why the wild life is sick