Evolution of the lobster fishery over 78 years: 92-year-old lobster fisherman looks back

Back in the day when Garnet Snow fished for a living to provide for his wife and five children, he fished alone. He paid 25 cents for a seasonal lobster license to a Nova Scotia fisheries officer at the time. Snow started fishing full time in a 25-foot boat called Olive Oil, with his father Earl Snow, when he left school in Grade 8 at age 14. Snow was born in 1929 on Snow’s Island, on the Eastern Shore about halfway between Ecum Secum and Sheet Harbour, and now at 92, he looks back at the local fishery of the 1950s and the next several decades. >click to read< 10:19
How life changes are cherished, especially when the changes are shared by people who have lived through them.