Category Archives: Letter to the Editor

Letters to the editor: Boost in promotion boon to Maine lobstermen

Since 2008, lobstermen have been struggling to receive a decent price  for our product. We’ve had many discussions on how to improve our  current situation. This industry is poised to take a first step based on  the will of the industry. continued

BARBARA DURKIN – Your View: Cape Wind offers only empty promises so far. Spanks the communications manager of National Wildlife Federation

Her response to this drivel.  Your View: Polluter blockade of New Bedford wind jobs finally falling continued

NWF makes jobs claims on behalf of Cape Wind that are unfounded. For 22 months, from April 1, 2011, to Dec. 31, 2012, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Wind Technology Testing Center has created zero jobs, according to the federal government’s Recovery Tracker. The MACEC ratepayer surcharge program is the source of the $13.2 million used to develop the testing center. The center also received a $2 million DOE grant, and funding by U.S. taxpayers through ARRA stimulus of $24.7 million. We have no jobs to show for our $40 million spent. continued

Supporting article by Menakhem Ben-Yami



My Turn: Support reductions of Chinook salmon bycatch By Gary Ault and Eric Jordan

Juneau Empire – Alaska’s king salmon are facing troubled times. Returns to state rivers stretching from Cook Inlet to the Yukon have been much lower than needed to sustain the health of runs that support commercial, sport and subsistence fisheries. continued

Letter to the Editor: NOAA system needs thorough overhaul – Susan Waller, Rockport, Ma.

Three years ago, I watched a horrifying movie at Gloucester High School which showed fishermen having to throw overboard half, if not more, of everything they caught. They couldn’t even give away their bycatch to the needy — all those fish dead, overboard and doing nobody any good. continue reading

Letter to the Editor: Pull the plug on Cape Wind project – Deke Ulian, Mashpee

sct logoAll of this should ring a bell in New Bedford, where political leaders flocked to the waterfront to announce that Cape Wind would bring hundreds of jobs to the state-renovated pier where it would be staging its project. Even as that $100-milliion-plus taxpayer-funded renovation was being planned, Cape Wind was meeting with Rhode Island officials about a Quonset Point staging area instead. Read the letter

Letter to the Editor: Lobster bill deserves lawmakers’ support – Capt. Arthur “Sooky” Sawyer, Vice president, Massachusetts Lobsterman Association

After reading the story about selling of processed lobster tails and the followup editorial (the Times, March 19, March 21) plus letters to the editor, a few facts need to be emphasized. continue reading

Letter to the Editor – Oil sheiks must celebrate our offshore wind fixation – James H. Bodurtha, Cotuit, Ma.

We have an opportunity to be energy independent in five to seven years, but instead of using our resources to further environmentally safe production of natural gas, coal gasification, solar energy and onshore wind sited in unobtrusive locations, we find our citizens and some legislators being hoodwinked by Cape Wind into supporting the most expensive possible offshore wind boondoggle. continue

Letter to the Editor – Conservative in name alone – Cody Young, Penticton

If you identify as a Conservative that means you’re an environmentalist. The point of the traditional Burkean Conservative philosophy is of social stability, degrading the environment and not managing/regulating common resources that communities depend on undermines social stability. continued

Letter to the Editor: Selling lobster tails can spark cheating – Bob Mitchell, R.A. Mitchell Co. Popes Island, New Bedford

I truly enjoy reading Richard Gaines’ coverage of the state of the fisheries. He really knows the subject, and call out the misconceptions people have of the fishing industry. However, continued

Letters to the editor – New fee will add to lobstermen’s woes, lobsterman Nelson King, East Boothbay

A recent article (“Maine lobster industry supports new fee,” March 6)  is  incorrect. The article states that the majority of lobstermen are  in  favor of L.D. 486 and L.D.182, requiring lobstermen to pay 74  percent of  the Lobster Promotion Council’s budget increase. They are  not. continued

Time to change the cod fishery – Barry Darby writes from St. John’s

The recent news of fish plant closures and talk of the importation of foreign workers; of annual halibut quotas being caught in one day while other fishermen lose their lives fishing halibut in the dead of winter; of limited quotas of cod with catch rates higher than they were in past years when fish were deemed to be plenty. Those headlines and others like it indicate there is a serious problem with the management of fish harvesting in this province. continued

Letter to the editor: Standing up for fishermen and our heritage

281499_10150240485916987_81518396986_7740820_7239293_nSome salty sailors out of Gloucester faced an unsavory fate Whose fraternal hearty shipmates lost at sea numbered 5,368. From 1866-1890 2,450 fishermen and 380 schooners were lost Italian, Canadian, West Indian and Portuguese souls ships were tempest-tossed. continue, and thank you Stu.