Tag Archives: 180 miles of the west coast of Ireland

Racing Pigeon News! Lost racing pigeon gets lift home to Ireland on Cork trawler
Lady Ann’s owner thought she was lost forever when bad weather made her fly off course during a 405-mile race,,, However, the pigeon landed on a trawler fishing for prawns 180 miles of the west coast of Ireland where she stayed with the crew for two weeks. Patrick Diver, skipper of the ‘Alannah Reilly’ boat, says the crew grew very attached to the pigeon,,, “We are based out of Castletownbere and there were nine of us out on a 26-day fishing trip for prawns, about 180 miles from the coast. “The pigeon landed on the boat and was quite cheeky in that she’d make her way inside the wheelhouse anytime she’d see the door open. >click to read< 09:37