Tag Archives: 25 Dishes to Enjoy

25 Dishes to Enjoy While Celebrating National Lobster Day
June 12, 2024
Featured, Mid Atlantic, National, New England, Pacific
Succulent, buttery lobster. It’s as special as a dish can be, and there’s so many ways to enjoy it. June 15 is National Lobster Day, and it’s a celebration that serves as a great excuse to enjoy a classic lobster roll or steamed lobster. But why stop there? From lobster pot pie to variations on lobster pasta, there’s some beautiful dishes for the avowed lobster lover to truly appreciate. 25 dishes, From Maine Lobster Pot Pie to Lobster Dumplings, to Chicken Fried Maine Lobster. Every dish is stunning! lots of photos from the places that create them and serve them from all over the country. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:16