Tag Archives: $8
Fishing over the line – Digby DFO seizes 195 traps and $8,000 worth of lobster
Fishery officers arrested a lobster fisherman for setting traps on the New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy a week before that area opens. Digby fishery officers seized 195 traps Nov. 2 and 3 after conducting a patrol of the line between Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 35 and LFA 36 and inspecting gear. Fishery officer Jacklyn Titus says the officers found a number of trawls in a closed area. As a result of inspection of some of the gear, fishery officers arrested one individual and seized approximately 1,300 pounds of lobster. The Department of Fisheries has sold that catch and will hold the money in trust while awaiting the outcome of court proceedings. Shore price is about $6.50 these days making the lobster worth about $8,450. Titus says charges are pending. Read the rest here 11:38