Tag Archives: Alaska Board of Fish

Big fight looms at Board of Fish meeting over Prince William Sound trawl bycatch

For years, conservationists, tribes and fishermen have feuded over bycatch of salmon in the huge pollock harvest in the remote Bering Sea off Alaska. Now, a new bycatch fight has erupted over a much smaller pollock fishery not far from urban Alaska, in the waters of Prince William Sound, east of Anchorage. This week, the state Board of Fisheries is considering four proposals by a local tribal government and an Alaska sportsmen’s group that could place sharp restrictions on, or even close down, Prince Williams Sound’s annual pollock trawl harvest. Supporters of the proposals cite state data that show the roughly 15 participating boats, most of which come from Kodiak Island, unintentionally scoop up some 900 king salmon and 900 rockfish each year in their wide-mouth trawl nets. And they say that subsistence harvests of those fish need protection. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:07

Voices of Alaska: Future of wild salmon depends on decisions made today, by Commercial Fisherman Steve Harrison

emmonak salmonOur state is home to the nation’s last stronghold of wild salmon and, for the most part, we have managed our fisheries well. For generations Alaskans have sustainably harvested millions of wild salmon while this amazing fish continues to return to their native streams, spawn and rejuvenate the population every year. Tasked with developing policies that protect our salmon resource, the Alaska Board of Fish uses the basic principles of sustainable yield and conservative management to drive decision-making and, by-and-large, it has worked. But managing the harvest of salmon is only part of the equation. Ensuring our salmon runs remain strong also means protecting the habitat they depend on, from the wetlands at the headwaters of the streams they spawn all the way to the ocean where they spend the majority of their lives. In recent years, pressure to allow mining and damming interests to set up shop in and around our prolific salmon streams has increased greatly, with proposed projects like the Pebble Mine, Susitna dam, and the Chuitna Coal strip mine leading the charge. Read the rest here 17:15

Alaska Board of Fish nominee Robert Ruffner makes his case

OK, we’re all Alaskans and we seem to love a good political fight. We really like to fight about fish. So grab the popcorn for the next round. If you’re following this, then you’ve seen half a dozen editorials, letters to the editor and stories over my nomination to the Alaska Board of Fisheries, all written by someone else. Most recently from an out-of-state individual paid to advance one group’s vision. With a couple days to go before the Legislature makes a decision, you need to hear from the applicant himself. Read the rest here 09:40

Fish board boosts limits for salmon dipnetters on Copper River

Meeting this week in Cordova — a commercial fishing community where dipnetters are about as welcome as the December rain at Alyeska Ski Resort — the board voted 4 to 3 to bring limits for the Copper River east of Anchorage in line with those for the Kenai River south of the state’s largest city. Read the rest here 11:18

“Spiny” King Crab Hitting Market, Opening Commercial and Scientific Doors

The crab is a Hanasaki king crab, otherwise known as a “spiny” king crab, and fishermen in the Bering Strait Region are harvesting it as a commercial product for the first time this year. Video, Read more here 11:09

Live Audio: Alaska Board of Fish Starting at Noon Eastern

When in session, the Board of Fish hosts streaming live audio.  The Board will be back on the record 8:00 a.m. February 3, 2014   Link and info here  11:30