Tag Archives: Army Corp of Engineers’

Locals Upset Over Dredging Issues at the Inlet in West Ocean City
On Wednesday morning, a 75-foot commercial vessel ran aground on its approach to the commercial dock in West Ocean City. The captain and crew say if the channel was dredged properly, this would not have happened. They also voiced their frustrations with the Army Corp of Engineers, and there is agreement locally that a more permanent solution is needed. “Maryland keeps wanting to put a band-aid on this, how many band-aids are you going to put on it before you fix the problem?” questioned Mike Coppa. Coppa is the owner of the Fishing Vessel Instigator, the boat stuck in the channel. Video, photos, >click to read< 07:55

On This Day: Feb 25th, 2005, Environmental non-profit group endorses ill fated Cape Wind
On this day in 2005, the environmental non-profit Coalition for Buzzards Bay announced “its satisfaction with the current review” for the Cape Wind to build a wind farm in Nantucket Sound, according to a statement released by the coalition. The coalition said its qualified support for the Nantucket Sound wind farm was based on a “thorough review of the Army Corp of Engineers’ Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).” This led coalition members to conclude that the project would bring about “significant environmental benefits” for Buzzards Bay and the region while “any environmental impacts are likely to be minor, temporary, and/or outweighed by the significant environmental benefits of developing such a renewable energy facility.” >click to read< 07:14