Tag Archives: Atlantic Red Crab company

New Bedford businesses growing despite coronavirus pandemic
There will be a world after COVID-19 has passed. With the future in mind, the Mitchell Administration has been working to grow private capital investment and encourage the creation of wealth and jobs in the Whaling City. There are now three serious proposals in front of the New Bedford City Council for approval. Eastern Fisheries, Inc. is going to invest $12 million in a new facility and create 50 new well-paying jobs while retaining 275 jobs in the city if the proposal is approved. >click to read< 08:07

Love Blue Crabs? Meet the Red Crab
If blue crab is this region’s Beyoncé, Atlantic deep-sea red crab is the backup singer you’ve never heard of. Found about 2,000 feet below sea level, these crustaceans are harder to harvest than their Chesapeake cousins. Plus, only one East Coast company is licensed to catch them. “I’ve been in business for 22 years, trying to put red crab on the map,” Atlantic Red Crab Company founder Jon Williams says. “It’s very well received when there’s no blue crab around, but as soon as blue crab becomes available, we take a second seat.” >click to read<21:18

Don Cuddy: Local crab fisherman finds a niche market with slime eels
Slime eel, it’s what’s for dinner. Well perhaps not on menus around here but in South Korea ‘ggomjangeo’ is extremely popular and, barbecued, is sold on the street like hot dogs. With scant recognition a fishery for these scavenging bottom dwellers has been prosecuted in New England for the past 40 years. Hagfish, as they are also known, are primitive deep-sea creatures and reputedly the only living creature with a skull but no vertebrae, although, given recent events, there may be some elected officials who could potentially rival that claim. Atlantic Red Crab company founder Jon Williams has been fishing these eels since 1999.,, >click here to read< 20:02