Tag Archives: BOEM

Mass. and R.I. Work Together for Mutual Benefit? Who’s benefit?

When, in 2009, Massachusetts and Rhode Island coastal zone managers first mulled over the idea of creating an area of mutual interest, they knew uncharted territory lay ahead. The term “area of mutual interest” — or AMI, traditionally refers to a location designated for partners, under contract, to use for extraction of gas and oil. In this case, the AMI refers to an area designated for the two states to explore as part of the nation’s effort to assess its potential for tapping offshore renewable energy resources. more@ecori (click on the chart at the article)  09:27

Unalaskans Question Funding for Arctic Research – are we going to be reassured that our existing science in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific is going to be there for the future?

Right now, the studies are coming out of two different pots: NOAA covers fishery surveys in the Bering Sea. They couldn’t afford to do the Arctic trawl survey, so the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management paid for it.But it’s not clear if BOEM will have enough money to continue doing the Arctic survey again. And the fear is that as the federal budget shrinks, agencies will cut back in the Aleutians to better serve the Arctic. more@kucb  10:04

Press Release: Interior Announces First Offshore Renewable Energy Lease Sale – BOEM to Auction Nearly 165,000 Acres Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts for Wind Energy Development in July

“This is history in the making as we mark yet another major milestone in the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy,” said Secretary Jewell. “Today we are moving closer to tapping into the enormous potential offered by offshore wind to create jobs, increase our sustainability, and strengthen our nation’s competitiveness in this new energy frontier. As we experience record domestic oil and gas development, we are also working to ensure that America leads the world in developing the energy of the future.”  continued

Loud Seismic Tests Probed for Harm to Whales, Dolphins – ENGO Coalition Forces Government Agency’s

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, May 15, 2013 (ENS) – The U.S. federal agency that oversees offshore oil exploration will analyze the effects of noisy underwater seismic blasts on whales and dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico. The BOEM and its predecessor, the Minerals Management Service, have allowed exploratory seismic surveys to go ahead without permits. The groups contend this omission violates the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. continued

BOEM to Convene Renewable Energy Public Seminars in Rhode Island and Virginia for Offshore Wind Development

Agency Will Explain Upcoming Auctions for First-EverWind Energy Competitive Lease Sales.

The dates and locations for the public seminars are:
Rhode Island/Massachusetts
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013
12:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Corless Auditorium, University of Rhode Island Bay Campus
215 South Ferry Road
Narragansett, RI 02882
Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013
1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Perimeter Center, Board Room 4
9960 Maryland Drive
Richmond, VA 23233   Read the notice

Dick Grachek writes, ” They are stealing our ocean environment right out from under us.” He’s right!

doofA lease area of 22 Square Miles which is 12 miles offshore of the Maine coast?

Mainers, better get your activist hats on, that’s on some of your best outside lobsterin’ grounds, I believe.
This 22 square miles ( think about what a lot of near-shore ocean that is) for “Four floating wind turbine generators” and of course they’re known by their requisite acronym WTG’s, “…site conditions and multiple uses within the proposed lease area” —now, what do you suppose those other multiple uses might be?

Now this statement below is typical operating procedure for BOEM (aka Minerals Management Service which “oversaw” the Deepwater Horizon operation in the Gulf—an impressive resume).

They’re going ahead with the lease and just now issuing a notice of intent to prepare an environmental statement—Fire ready Aim?

“Concurrent with the RFI, BOEM also issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that requested comments from the public for the purpose of identifying important issues to be considered.”

 They are stealing our ocean environment right out from under us.

BOEM Announces Finding of No Competitive Interest forCommercial Wind

Leasing Offshore Maine  Read This!

BOEM seeks interest in North Carolina offshore wind

DECEMBER 17, 2012 — The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has published a Call for Information and Nominations to gauge offshore wind industry interest in acquiring commercial wind leases in three areas offshore North Carolina and to request comments regarding site conditions, resources and other uses within the Call areas. http://marinelog.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3345:boem-seeks-interest-in-north-carolna-offshore-wind&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=195

Interior Secretary Announces First-Ever Renewable Energy Lease Sales on the Outer Continental Shelf

“Wind energy along the Atlantic holds enormous potential, and today we are moving closer to tapping into this massive domestic energy resource to create jobs, increase our energy security and strengthen our nation’s competitiveness in this new energy frontier,” said Salazar, with the look of discomfort like a fisherman that just got a windfarm stuffed up his ass. “Holding competitive lease sales on the wind-rich east coast means blow jobs all around,” promised the Secretary as he wore a pleasantly painful expression.http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=bgwiiwiab&v=001J8BvtJGIt7uojsOTOb5KB021g8lTQl8JZ-9Wx7XCNysfPazHAWJ0FGociM0JkJ4smHQSmT21lEJ60zRNFH5qI5aA44FfU6BKmoG13dCY1UoXvX-qaK3-mdVfd2e81Jcq36-z4FrJKbOTPv56lKh5gXDevAUtPTyiPq2k8Mzc2x6_2T0FkCGESg%3D%3D

Who is this stooge, and why does he want to destroy the fishing grounds of the East Coast?

Public comments? I just made mine in the title.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is requesting public comment on an environmental assessment (EA) for an area in federal waters off   Massachusetts where commercial wind energy development would take place.

“Responsible development of abundant wind energy in places like offshore   Massachusetts is a key part of the Obama Administration’s all of the above   energy strategy,” says BOEM Director Tommy P. Beaudreau. “At the same time, we must ensure that the potential effects of wind energy development on other resources, such as marine mammals and fishing, are closely analyzed and that appropriate protections are put in place,” he adds.

And allow me to add Tommy, you’re fulla shit! Appropriate protections? Keep that junk out of the water. BH http://www.rechargenews.com/energy/wind/article326664.ece

The New York Times is Finally Catching Up! They should pay attention.

Will Seismic Blasts Upend Atlantic Marine Life? By EMMA BRYCE As a federal decision draws near, environmental and commercial fishing groups are marshaling their forces to protest a plan by the Obama administration to allow

So Hey! Have you heard about the Slaughter that lies ahead or those  Marine Mammals we’ve been saving? Thu May 3, 2012 9:01 PM EDT

It’s true. And so begins the destruction of the Eastern Seaboard that all the Wind mill, “Drill Baby Drill” people have been waiting for. It’s all about energy independence, right?

Reducing global warming, green energy, not letting the Chinese beat us in the “Green Race” Well. It’s gonna cost us, and it’s gonna cost a lot more than money.

It’s gonna cost a lot of marine life, and this is only the beginning as this administration opens up the North West Atlantic to energy production..Read More


Eco-Lawsuit Advances against Cape Wind Risk to Right Whale and other Threatened and Endangered Species Litigated

NOTE. Links will be added as they become available.  http://www.milforddailynews.com/news/x493268917/Suit-claims-Cape-Wind-violates-endangered-species-law

Hyannis, Mass.  (October 10, 2012) – Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility  (PEER), the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound and other conservation groups  today filed a brief in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia  detailing Cape Wind’s numerous violations of federal protections for threatened  and endangered species – including the imperiled North Atlantic right whale, one  of the rarest mammals in the world. This suit charges the project violates  three key federal laws – the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty  Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.

Other plaintiffs include the Cetacean  Society International, Lower Laguna Madre Foundation, Californians for Renewable  Energy, and Three Bays Preservation. This is one of five federal lawsuits facing  Cape Wind, a massive industrial project proposed to cover 25 square miles of  Nantucket Sound with an array of 130 massive turbines – each stretching taller  than the Statue of Liberty.

Today’s brief explains how the mega-project  poses serious risks to the right whale, four species of federally-protected sea  turtles and several species of migratory birds. It also criticizes the lack of oversight  and analysis of the impact of Cape Wind on this critical  habitat.

This NOPC corporate shill is using the old eco-champion marketing strategy – and its working! Still!

This NOPC corporate shill is using the old eco-champion marketing strategy in order to privatize and industrialize the public trust ocean.

NOPC, BOEM, NWF, are immorally using the ploy of promising much needed clean energy to allay global warming,

while actually doing the bidding of an historically corrupt wind (and ultimately oil) industry.

Notice especially in the forwarded NOPC email flyer below the section entitled: ENGO Report Includes National Ocean Policy-Related Recommendation
