Why the fishing industry is against offshore wind farms near Ocean City

Representatives say wind farms could cause harm by driving marine wildlife away, disturbing the ocean environment and making navigation more difficult for fishers and mariners. “Now with the current offshore wind leasing process, we have these fishing grounds being sold right out from under us,” said Meghan Lapp during a recent presentation to the Ocean City Town Council. But marine biologists and wind farm officials say the impact won’t be that severe. “I think they took an emotional approach to the problem. … So there was some degree of misinformation,” said Salvo Vitale, general counsel for U.S. Wind, one of the offshore wind energy companies involved in the Maryland project. The town’s officials feel very strongly that this project was misrepresented to them because the size of the wind turbines has increased since the initial proposal,,, >click to read<10:18
Meghan is right on the money with her comments. Wind does not want to listen to any dialog that is in opposition to the “party line”. Man made objects placed in the path of migratory species, be it fin fish , squid or marine mammals have an impact. The structures alone have an impact, the construction phase has an impact and worst of all we are dealing with the long term impact with the cabling and it’s electromagnetic fields. Look overseas at the existing wind farms and their impact on the environment from a fisheries viewpoint and a navigational / marine safety issue. This whole leasing situation is the highest abuse of power and serves only to benefit those that will gain from tax credits and other scam driven incentives. Wake up see the reality of this before it is too late. The demise of a valid fishing industry should not be greed driven by the wind farm industry. Don’t be led astray by their “green agenda”, the only “green” is the money that is flowing into their pockets.
Spot on Mr. Everich. This is a total scam. Thank you for your comments and concern.