Tag Archives: Boston Sword & Tuna

Biologist slams U.S. vessel for running aground in Witless Bay Reserve
Oil from a U.S. fishing vessel killed a number of birds inside the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve on Friday, and a seabird biologist says the boat had no business being so close to Green Island to run aground in the first place.,, The Canadian Coast Guard’s environmental response team cleaned up Friday, and DFO said no pollution was reported in Witless Bay. Transport Canada is investigating. Montevecchi said the Eyelander, an American fishing boat, was apparently too close to Green Island early Friday morning and ran aground. click here to read the story 20:46
No oiled birds spotted in Witless Bay area – In a statement Tuesday, the Canadian Coast Guard said its environmental response surveillance flights — and surveys by boat of the area on Saturday along with the Canadian Wildlife Service — confirmed there was no pollution in the area. Meantime, two dive surveys have been completed on the fishing vessel with no sign of diesel or oil leakage. click here to read the story 8/28 16:39
Swordfish Facts – The Fishery, and the Fish
Swordfish are pursued worldwide by the fleets of more than 20 nations. In the U.S., swordfish are landed from Maine to Louisiana, as they migrate up and down the East Coast. U.S. swordfish catches peaked in 1993 at just over 10,000 metric tons. In recent years, following the introduction of a variety of conservation measures, U.S. catches have fluctuated between 3,500 and 4,000 metric tons. Read more here 16:19
Swordfish Sustainability
Did you know Boston Sword & Tuna is one of the founding members of Sustainable Seafood LLC? Our two longliners, the Iron Maiden and the Iron Lady, fish in one of the best-managed fisheries in the world: the Northwest Atlantic swordfish fishery. A highly migratory fish, swordfish are managed in the Atlantic by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Read the rest here 19:32
It looks so good, I had to share it with you! Tuna Wholesale – From Boston Sword & Tuna
A BST signature product, our fresh tuna supply is the answer to all your tuna wholesale demands. Our longline fishing vessels – the Iron Maiden and the Iron Lady – catch both yellowfin and bigeye tuna. Like our swordfish, our tuna are immediately bled and iced, ensuring they retain their peak freshness; and our buyer’s maintain relationships with the best domestic and foreign suppliers in the business. Read the rest here 20:45