Tag Archives: BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Delcambre Shrimper Looses Boat, Livelihood and Dignity As Provider
For every hurricane during the past 40-years Preston Dore has rode out the storms at the Delcambre docks on his shrimp boat. After Katrina, Gustav, Isaac and a host of others, both he and the boat have walked away mostly unscathed. Hurricane Ida was different. The storm has cost him his boat, his livelihood and has stripped away his dignity as a provider for his family. Unlike previous hurricanes his current boat, the Demi Rae named after his 7-year-old daughter, was not in its Delcambre berth, but in a Chauvin dry-dock,,, The boat was an easy target for the storm’s 170-mph winds as it passed over bayou after bayou ripping the heart out of Louisiana’s seafood industry. >click to read< Donate to the Gulf Seafood Foundation’ “Helping Hands” for Hurricane Ida by clicking the “Donate” button. 11:47
BP spill continues to threaten Gulf wildlife, says Enviro group
“Given the significant quantity of oil remaining on the floor of the Gulf and the unprecedented large-scale use of dispersants during the spill, it will be years or even decades before the full impact of the Deepwater Horizon disaster is known,” the report said. “It is clear that robust scientific monitoring of the Gulf ecosystem and its wildlife populations must continue — and that restoration of degraded ecosystems should begin as soon as possible.” Read the rest here 11:58
Scientists gather in New Orleans to discuss effects of BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill
More than 1,000 scientists and public officials gathered in New Orleans on Monday for the most comprehensive review of scientific information about the short- and long-term effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon accident and spil since it occurred in April 2010. The three-day Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference is aimed at understanding the effects of pollution resulting from the spill and its effect on natural systems in the Gulf and along the shoreline, and on the people who live and work there. Read more