Tag Archives: Christopher Byers

Winter Harbor man gets 30 months, Six skippers to be sentenced for scallop scheme

 Christopher Byers, 42, has been sent to federal prison for more than two years for his role in a scheme to illegally harvest and conceal scallops. George Bamford of Harrington, Robert Hersey of Harspwell, Michael Johnson of Milbridge, James Leighton of Milbridge, Michael McKenna of Steuben, and Daniel Mahoney of Gloucester,  Massachusetts, each pleaded guilty in 2012 to filing false fishing reports and with tampering with those reports in order to obstruct the investigation. Read the rest here 22:18

Maine Man Gets Jail in Scallop Scheme

The owner of a Maine seafood company who admitted conspiring to conceal the harvesting of nearly 80,000 pounds of scallops off the coasts of New Jersey and Massachusetts has been sentenced to jail. Read the rest here 18:27

Christopher Byers, D.C. Air & Seafood Inc., a Maine seafood wholesaler, facing five years in prison and a $250,000 fine in Scallop Poaching Scam

In admitting its guilt, D.C. Air & Seafood Inc., the Maine seafood wholesaler, handed over documents showing it failed to report about 79,666 pounds of scallops that were harvested off the New Jersey coast and Cape Cod in Massachusetts, authorities said. Six fishing boat operators who conspired with D.C. Air & Seafood, authorities said, hauled in the scallops from a fishing ground off the mid-Atlantic Coast that was regulated in order to help keep its scallop population at proper levels. more@nj.com  09:49