Tag Archives: commercial crabber

Helicopter Logger/Commercial Fisherman James Michael Modderman, of Brownsville Oregon has passed away

James Michael Modderman, 72, of Brownsville Oregon passed away peacefully in hospice care at Helping Hearts, Saturday, October 5, 2024. He was born November 7, 1951 at Naeve Hospital in Albert Lea, MN to Russell and JoAnn (Floyd) Modderman. In 1975, James and wife Marian moved to the Oregon coast and raised two children. James was one of the 1st in the Helicopter Logging Industry cutting cedar. He owned and operated a commercial bay crabbing boat and worked on commercial fishing boats off the Oregon coast. In 1989 James and his family moved back to Albert Lea to be closer to family. James then moved back to the Oregon coast in 2007 and in 2021 moved to Brownsville, Oregon. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:56

What happened to Andy Hillstrand? Where is he now?

Andy Hillstrand is a well-known television personality. His celebrity stems from his appearance in the documentary Deadliest Catch. During this time, he sailed on board the Time Bandit vessel with his brother and a crew of seamen. Hillstrand was willing to go to any length to meet the fishing quota on this expedition to catch king crabs and snow crabs. Andy Hillstrand was born and reared in Alaska with his brother Jonathan Hillstrand. They lived almost entirely at sea, learning and witnessing family trades. Andy began fishing with his brother at the age of seven. He was the third kid in a five-child family. Three of the five brothers worked together in the water. >click to read< 09:49

In the Coronavirus Economy, Texas’ Commercial Fishermen Are Barely Treading Water

Most of Texas’ commercial fishermen have seen similar struggles. As has been the case across food industries, the pandemic’s economic fallout on Gulf Coast commercial anglers and local wholesalers brought their boats and operations ashore like a summer storm. Their financial livelihoods and the industry’s future, as well as generations of rich commercial fishing tradition, are at stake. Without restaurants, in other words, seafood demand plummets. Commercial angler Buddy Guindon, who co-owns Katie’s Seafood Market with his wife, Katie, says their operation in Galveston felt the pandemic’s impact almost immediately. When local restaurants mostly closed up shop, they were forced to cut their employees’ fishing trips short. >click to read< 10:00

Commercial crabber calls out Al Gore on fake science, explains sea level hasn’t changed at all since 1970

In promotion of his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore is still desperately trying to make the case that planet earth is heating up, and that only carbon taxes can fix it. But as per usual, he failed miserably during a recent CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper, during which a commercial crabber and local mayor explained that sea levels around his tiny island have remained the same for over half a century. James Eskridge oversees the day-to-day activities on Tangier Island, in Virginia, and he’s been fishing crab there for decades. He’s quite familiar with the tides, the currents, and various other elements in and around the coastal terrain. And other than an ongoing problem related to erosion, in which the shorelines of Tangier Island are progressively disappearing due to constant waves and storms, he says that everything is exactly the same as it’s always been, at least as far as ocean levels are concerned. click here to read the story 09:25

Commercial fisherman John Moore – Commercial Crabber

While others still sleep, commercial fisherman John Moore, of Magnolia, wakes up at 3 a.m. and heads east to Bowers Beach and his boat, the Bay Bee Lynne. “To me it’s my life, it’s what I like to do,” Moore said.  “I do it because I love it.  And like I told you it’s like a curse.  Once a man does it he can’t do anything else like a normal job.  You pretty much do what you want to do, nobody bothers you.  Working normal jobs just doesn’t work for me.” For 27-years, Moore’s office has been the Delaware Bay,,, Read the rest here 07:16

Dateline Delaware: Leipsic’s way of life pulled from the water

LEIPSIC — Capt. Craig Pugh is a vision of the commercial crabber, dressed  in a predawn hour in a red and black checked shirt, boots to his knees, jeans and a camouflage cap. His hands are leathered, his face ruddy from the sun. His fingernail beds are wide and worn. In the liner of his black pickup, 50-pound boxes of frozen menhaden await a final dip in the Delaware Bay – this time as bait. But there’s something not so predictable about this Kent County crabber. Onshore, Pugh, 50, is the mayor of Leipsic, tending to a population of 183. continued@delewareonline