Tag Archives: corruption

Jack Spillane: A Shakespearean tragedy on the New Bedford waterfront
How corrupt is the New Bedford waterfront? John Bullard seems to think it’s more than a little corrupt. Jon Mitchell seems to think it’s corrupt mostly with one top guy. And Jim Kendall seems to think it’s hard for the working guys — fishing boat captains to be specific — to be anything but corrupt when the big evil guy that controlled so many boats (Carlos Rafael) also controlled the ability of so many captains to make a living. “It’s a case of what choice did they have?” asked Kendall in a heart-wrenching Standard-Times story Saturday morning. As a working-class stiff who has worked for “the man” all my life, I can very much identify. Mayor Jon Mitchell pointed out in the Saturday story that prosecutors and regulatory authorities endanger the people’s confidence when they overreach. They risk bringing down the whole system when they crack down on too many working men and women who get swept up by a guy like Carlos Rafael. >click to read<
BLUE STATE OF MIND #1 – Listen up…
In 2007, Shannyn Moore — the brilliant mind, clear voice of experience in Alaska fisheries, and nationwide known talk show host — fulfilled her wish to do a FISHERIES Talk Radio show on station in Anchorage, Alaska. She had become aware of the public advocacy, and anti-corruption, efforts of the Groundswell Fisheries Movement and offered Stephen Taufen, a chance to go live radio. Stephen is a former high level corporate accountant, heroic whistle blower and founder of the Groundswell Fisheries Movement. Listen to the audio here Visit Moore Up North with four more interviews 11:32
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh: Some corruption in BP settlement program
Freeh, who was appointed by a federal judge to lead an independent review of alleged misconduct by a staff attorney who worked on the settlement program, cleared court-appointed claims administrator Patrick Juneau of engaging in any “conflict of interest, or unethical or improper conduct.” more@9+10news 22:47
Department of Aquaculture, Agriculture and Fisheries official’s obstruction case delayed
The obstruction case against a senior civil servant has been delayed until April 26 to allow the prosecutors to disclose the case to the defence. Read more
Related –Provincial fisheries official charged with obstruction, Deputy premier not aware if he’s under investigation –