Tag Archives: Craig Avery
Fishing industry taking steps to protect endangered whales, says association
The president of the Western Gulf Fishermen’s Association says he is proud of the efforts undertaken by spring lobster fishermen to help prevent fishing gear entanglements by endangered North Atlantic right whales. Craig Avery said fishermen went with larger bunches during the fishing season to reduce the amount of rope in the water. Shortly after the season closed, Avery estimates more than 30 boats assisted Fisheries and Oceans personnel in a two-day sweep of the lobster grounds, looking for missing or forgotten lobster gear. >click to read<18:32
Carapace Size Increase – Craig Avery: PEIFA follows democratic vote
There seems to be inconsistency in Egmont MP Morrissey’s approach to what constitutes due process. In one case he is advocating that a vote should have been taken before any carapace increase was decided upon in LFA 25, but challenges the recent votes that did not support a carapace size increase in LFA 24 and 26A. Mr. Morrissey states there should have been stronger leadership in favour of an increase. The vote process was led by the respective Lobster Advisory Chairs and included open information meetings, detailed mail-outs to all fishers in these areas and secret ballot votes. This is a valid democratic process and the results reflect the wishes of the “constituents” in these fishing communities. Read the rest here 11:01
It’s time for P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association to grow up
‘Will fishermen assume their traditional role of bitching and complaining, and doing little else?’ General speaking, lobster fishermen fishing the spring season on the Island had a “pretty good year.” While catches were down from last year in some harbours on the north side and on the south-east coast, prices ranging from $6.50 to $8 a pound made up for it. There wouldn’t be many boats that grossed less than $100,000 and there’d be a good many that grossed well over $200,000.,, Recently the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) decided to gradually increase the minimum legal size for lobsters caught in District 25. Scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests that following an increase in the carapace size, catch sizes also increase. There seems to be general acceptance of this change. However, no one was surprised when PEIFA opposed the measure. Read the story here 12:00
P.E.I. lobster fishermen hope higher prices make up for lower catches
With prices currently at $6.50 for canners and $7 for markets, P.E.I. lobster fishermen are hoping to ride out a spring of bad weather and lower catches. “Prices have been fairly good, catches are down quite a bit and the weather has been just terrible,” said Craig Avery, president of the P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association, who stayed on shore Monday for the third time this season. “It’s been a tough, tough year. The price, whatever we’re getting for them, it’s well-earned,” he added. About a thousand Island fishermen are currently on the water, including 630 along the North Shore from North Cape to East Point and 340 on the south shore from East Point to Victoria, P.E.I.. Catches are down all along P.E.I.’s North Shore, called Lobster Fishing Area 24, according to what Avery is hearing. He fishes out of Northport, near Alberton, P.E.I., and estimates his catch will be down about 25 per cent from last season. Read the rest here 09:56
PEIFA president is optimistic, sees signs of higher prices
The president of the P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association is chomping at the bit to get the 2016 spring lobster fishery underway next weekend and he’s optimistic of higher prices. “Prices are tremendously high, over $8.00 a pound over in Nova Scotia right now,” Craig Avery said Friday. Avery, who will be setting out of Northport Harbour in Lobster Fishing Area 24 on April 30, estimated the starting price for a lobster fishery that got underway in Nova Scotia on April 19 to be between $2.00 and $2.50 a pound higher than what they got starting out in years past. “There’s a lot of optimism out there and we’re hoping, definitely, for a higher price than last year, for sure,” Avery commented. Read the rest here 14:47