Tag Archives: Danish fishermen

Tory MPs issue Brexit warning over EU attempts to tear apart fishing agreement

Tory MPs have warned the EU is attempting to undermine British sovereignty by trying to tear Brexit fishing agreements apart. Danish fishermen have successfully convinced the EU to launch an arbitration tribunal against the UK in a bid to gain access to fishing the species in English and Scottish waters. Sir Bernard Jenkin MP said: “The EU cannot accept British sovereignty over our waters, and Labour seems all too ready to concede this. While the EU talks tough on ocean conservation, it has a shocking record and shows no signs of improvement. So this is a challenge to the UK’s ability to protect the marine environment and to create sustainable fisheries. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:03

Fierce competition for fewer blue mussels as big fishermen squeeze out rivals

Last week, the fisheries minister, Eva Kjer Hansen, was called upon to explain a practice that seems to have been going on for some time that allows a handful of ‘fish barons’ privileged access to a number of Danish mussel beds.
For ten years or more fishermen on the east coast of Jutland have been asking permission to fish for mussels in the Great Belt, but have always been refused.,,, At the same time, the authorities have permitted some of the country’s largest mussel fishermen to catch mussels several months on the trot in selected areas as part of its so-called ‘research fishing’, reports Berlingske. >click to read<10:30