Tag Archives: Delaware River

New law ‘turns on the spigot’ at old plant that treats wastewater on Delaware River
A South Jersey company could soon again be processing millions of gallons of hazardous wastewater and dumping the residue into the Delaware River thanks to a bill signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy. The measure updates the definition of what an existing hazardous waste facility is under state law, basically grandfathering in Chemours’ wastewater treatment plant in Carneys Point, enabling it to possibly resume again accepting outside waste to treat. During the multi-step process, solids are removed and the cleaned water is dumped into the nearby Delaware River. >click to read<08:58
Shad Resurgence Marks a Cleaner Delaware River
American shad were once so common that East Coast rivers were described as being “black” and “boiling” as tens of millions of fish migrated upstream each spring to spawn. Today, approximately 98 percent of the fish that formed a staple of the Colonial diet have been depleted. In rivers once teeming with shad, a daily catch is sometimes counted in the single digits………Shad — the name comes from the Latin, Alosa sapidissima, meaning “most delicious, or savory, herring” — are just one part of this larger effort, but a critical part. The fish is considered a marker for the overall health of the rivers and tribu……..Protecting the Fisheries…….Historical Comparisons…..Midwater Trawling…….Hydraulic Fracturing……..Removing Dams…….Rescuing the Raritan River…….A Holistic Approach……..Climbing the Ladder….. http://www.wnyc.org/articles/new-jersey-news/2012/sep/24/shad-resurgence-marks-cleaner-delaware-river/