Tag Archives: Department of Transport

CJ Gaffney calls on McConalogue to Support Inclusion of Mary Kate in Review
CJ and his family have been fighting for justice in relation to the loss of the beam trawler and the debts incurred during their time of ownership. Although the European Commission has offered the Irish government a solution to compensating the Gaffney family, Minister for Charlie McConalogue, as with his predecessors, Simon Coveney and Michael Creed, has steadfastly refused to consider the issue, and have routed the blame to the Department of Transport, which oversees the Marine Survey Office, who was responsible for signing off on the seaworthiness of the MARY Kate WD-30. After a long campaign, which has received backing from his local County Council, TD’s and Irish MEPs, CJ has once again asked both Ministers McConalogue and Ryan to back an investigation into how the MARY KATE was ever passed as safe for fishing operations. >>click to read<< 16:16

The ghost ships clogging up WA’s marinas and waterways
The Department of Transport has spent more than $1.1 million in the past four years removing and disposing of 43 vessels abandoned at marinas and on WA waterways. These cases normally take several years to resolve, but the latest vessel in Mark Briant’s sights was also the longest case the department has dealt with in its history. The 70-tonne, 17.8-metre fishing trawler Atlantic Ocean has been a familiar sight in the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour for more than 20 years, but the department declared it abandoned in 2018. Its hull is covered in rust and, at 62 years old, the Atlantic Ocean’s best days are well and truly behind it. >>click to read<< 16:10

That Was Quick!: French Navy backs down from West Cork fishermen
Simon Coveney confirms French navy will stay outside of Irish waters during their upcoming exercises having come under pressure from West Cork fishermen. The French Navy were planning a huge exercise – involving missile tests – off our southwest coast later this week and it was set to be even bigger than the one the Russians had to postpone earlier this year. However, as the Russians found out, the French Atlantic fleet had to reckon with Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation, with their headquarters in Castletownbere. >click to read< 17:15

Irish fishermen who faced down Russians now to protest against French navy’s military drills
Irish fishermen confirmed they are to mount major protests off the south-west coast in a bid to prevent the French navy staging military exercises later this month in important fishing grounds. The protests will mirror the demonstrations planned by west Cork fishermen last January to disrupt planned military exercises by the Russian navy in fishing waters off the south-west coast. French naval forces are planning an exercise for June 23-25,,, “The Albacore tuna fishery is opening for Irish vessels on June 23,,, >click to read< 07:35

Updated: “Absolute Guarantee” – Wait! There is no Guarantee!
Irish fishing industry meets Russian ambassador over planned naval exercises -Representatives of Ireland’s fishing industry have been issued with an “absolute guarantee” by Russia’s ambassador that their work will not be impacted by Russian naval exercises scheduled for next week. The Irish government confirmed on Sunday that Russia plans to conduct naval and air exercises 240 kilometres off the southwestern coast of Ireland in international waters that lie within Ireland’s exclusive economic zone. >click to read< 07:30
Russians deny fishermen’s claims on naval drills ‘buffer zone’ – In a statement on Friday morning, the Russian Embassy rejected reports based on the statements from the fishing representatives on Thursday that there had been “some kind of ‘agreement’ on some kind of ‘buffer zones’ in the area of the upcoming drills of the Russian Navy in the Atlantic.” >click to read< 08:28

Irish fishermen plan to ‘be there first’ after safety warning over Russian missile tests
The Department of Transport has released an official warning over “live fire” Russian navy exercises set to take place off the southwest Irish coast in February, with some fishermen indicating they intend to disregard the caution. In a marine notice to shipowners and all seafarers, the Department cautioned of “serious safety risks” posed by the exercises involving the launching of rockets. Fisherman have criticised the notice and indicated plans to disregard the warning, with the chief executive of the Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation saying Irish fishermen “will be there first next week.” >click to read< 09:02