CJ Gaffney calls on McConalogue to Support Inclusion of Mary Kate in Review

CJ and his family have been fighting for justice in relation to the loss of the beam trawler and the debts incurred during their time of ownership. Although the European Commission has offered the Irish government a solution to compensating the Gaffney family, Minister for Charlie McConalogue, as with his predecessors, Simon Coveney and Michael Creed, has steadfastly refused to consider the issue, and have routed the blame to the Department of Transport, which oversees the Marine Survey Office, who was responsible for signing off on the seaworthiness of the MARY Kate WD-30. After a long campaign, which has received backing from his local County Council, TD’s and Irish MEPs, CJ has once again asked both Ministers McConalogue and Ryan to back an investigation into how the MARY KATE was ever passed as safe for fishing operations. >>click to read<< 16:16
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