Tag Archives: Earle McCurdy

Hundreds of Newfoundland fishermen protest prices, pressing minister for changes

Fishermen from across the Avalon Peninsula took their complaints and concerns about pricing for this year’s inshore fishery straight to Fisheries Minister Derrick Bragg in St. John’s on Monday, with a concurrent protest happening in Corner Brook. For fish harvesters like Conway Caines, the $12 per pound in Cape Breton this season is proof enough harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador deserve more than last year’s $7.60 a pound. The Port Saunders man said he managed to get by in 2021 but said that price isn’t good enough given the higher cost of living this season. “I ain’t got no big quotas. I got enough to pay me instalments, feed me family and try to give me crew a decent share.” >click to read< 08:45

Earle McCurdy pledges restoration of commercial cod fishery

The provincial New Democrats have announced plans to re-establish a viable commercial cod fishery. At a campaign stop in Petty Harbour on Saturday, NDP Leader Earle McCurdy disclosed the party’s plans to try and make life better for fish harvesters. “The moratorium on fishing the northern cod stock resulted in the largest industrial layoff in Canadian history. The province has been out of the cod selling business for 20 years,” he said in a statement.  “It’s time to get back into the cod fishery business. The NDP is committed to get a viable commercial cod fishery once again operating.” Read the article here 20:00

Earle McCurdy’s exit is like his entrance: it comes in uncertain times

But it’s a job that few people would really want given the challenges that loom over the industry. Of course, the situation was no different in 1993 when McCurdy took over from Richard Cashin. The fishery was mired in the devastation of the cod moratorium announced less than a year before. It looked to many like the industry might collapse completely. McCurdy was handed the reins at a time when there wasn’t anything pulling the cart. Read the rest here 07:56

Earle McCurdy Stepping Down as FFAW President

Long-time President of the FFAW, Earle McCurdy, has announced that after over 20 years at the union’s helm, he is stepping down. McCurdy called a news conference this morning at 11 at the Richard Cashin Building on Hamilton Avenue. McCurdy took over the union’s presidency from Richard Cashin back in 1993 on the heels of the cod moratorium. The union has had only two presidents in its history. Listen, and read the rest here 11:49

Ice compensation should come from government: Earle McCurdy

CBC_News_logo“It’s really an emergency situation for a number of families because they’ve had no income since the middle of April, and really, the time for monitoring is over, the time for action is now,” McCurdy said. Read more here 10:01

Angry MP holds news conference on cuts to shrimp quotas – First In, First Out ain’t sitting right.

“I don’t even want to sit in front of this Canadian flag,” Watkins said. “It’s disgraceful. We, as Newfoundlanders are down here. They don’t care about us.” New Democrat MP Ryan Cleary didn’t miss a beat. “Let me move that flag out of the way, how’s that?” Read more here  11:27

“Memorial Presents” Public Forum – Moving Forward: Building Resilient Fisheries and Coastal Communities in NL

Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 7:30pm NST – Join us for a dynamic discussion of the strengths and vulnerabilities of our fisheries and coastal communities, and help launch an urgently needed discussion on how we can build economically, socially and ecologically resilient fisheries and coastal communities for the future. Watch the live webcast here April 16th.  Read more here mun.ca 16:44

McCurdy blasts cuts announced by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to the inshore quota for northern shrimp

The inshore quota has dropped from 45,300 tonnes in 2013 to 33,876 this year — a decline of 26.2 per cent. By comparison, the offshore sector’s portion of the quota is down only 3.6 per cent compared to 2013 — from 66,224 tonnes to 63,789 in 2014. The FFAW is planning to organize a protest later this week.  Read more here the telegram 13:59

Shea’s science

863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2Things have never been so weird as they are right now. Pam Anderson, the First Lady of Ladysmith, proud possessor of a silicon valley of world renown, joins Sam Simon, the cancer riddled co-creator of the Simpsons, to jet to Newfoundland and offer Newfie sealers,, Read more here  10:52

Earle McCurdy, president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers: CETA good for fishery. Is it?

McCurdy says minimum processing requirements will be phased out as a result of CETA. These are rules that require some species of fish caught here be processed before export. Processors who want to ship seafood out of province unprocessed will be able to apply for an exemption, according to McCurdy, something he’s not worried about. more@thepacketca 13:32

Details remain elusive on massive EU deal as Ottawa keeps most material under wraps – The deal has obvious benefits with a trading partner with which we have deep historic ties and mutual interests. It also lessens our dependency on the United States, and based on that country’s recent flirtations with economic disasters, it’s a good thing we are broadening our trading partnerships. link