Tag Archives: Environmental Trawling Solutions

Wing Slashes Shrimp Trawling Fuel Costs and By-catch Rates
Randy Skinner’s Wing Trawl System has been through a few generations of development, each tested and put through its paces on board his own shrimper, the 65′ (19.80m), twin-engine F/V Apache Rose, working across the seasons to try out the Wing Trawl under all weather conditions as well as across the range of depths the shrimp fleet operates. He set up Environmental Trawling Solutions as a company to continue to develop and produce the WTS. ‘There are no drawbacks that I’ve been able to find,’ he said. The results have been startlingly successful, as the Wing Trawl has returned lower fuel costs – plus a significant reduction in by-catch, demonstrated in a comparative trial carried out with the University of New Orleans. The drop in by-catch is a major advantage that hadn’t been anticipated at the outset, as his initial goal was to develop gear that would be more economic to run. photos, videos, >click to read< 20:42
This Wing Will Fly! Wing Trawling System Wins Ocean Exchange Neptune Award – October 21, 2017, The winner of the Ocean Exchange Neptune Award in the amount of $100,000 USD is Wing Trawling System or WTS (USA-AL). >click to read<